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"It's been about a year since you made me these teeth and I thought it was about time that I sent you an update on how I was doing.  I can't begin to tell you what a difference my life is now that I have a smile that I'm not ashamed of.  My confidence at work is sky high.  I no longer hesitate when going out in public or trying something new.  I owe all of this to you, I know I thanked you when I received these, but please allow me to thank you again for what you have done for me."

Jeff T. 

"I just wanted to thank you for all of your help and work over the past couple of years.  I am extremely happy with how everything turned out, and I have you to thank for that.  I really do appreciate your care and assurance throughout the process.  Best of luck to you guys moving forward and Thank You."

Christopher P.

"I would like to thank you for your hard work and your kindness.  I don't think I have ever met a more tender soul than yours.  How you interact with your patients was a joy to witness.  Your dedication, problem solving and loving spirit is so appreciated.  I don't think I could ever thank you enough or accurately articulate who much your work on my father means to me.  Thank you all from the bottom of my overflowing heart."

Alicia K.

"Words cannot express my gratitude for all your hard work and the beautiful outcome of my "new front tooth".  Thank you.  Sincerely, with all of my heart!  Awesome."

Mary B.

"I first contacted Dr. McAndrew for a second opinion about my options for some recommended dental work.  My options were explained to me in a simplified  manner, as well as was the cost of all procedures.  I was completely comfortable,  and had a full understanding of both the procedures I chose and the cost.

I had worn an upper denture prior to coming to Dr. McAndrew, and often had sore spots and discomfort.  Part of my procedure was a new upper denture which was a perfect fit from day one.  That was months ago, and I have had no soreness or needed any adjustments.

The entire staff in this office reflects a professional, caring and comfortable atmosphere.

I am grateful and pleased with both my new smile and the function of the upper denture and permanent fixed lower denture.  I would most definitely recommend Dr. McAndrew."

Colleen S.

"When I first met you, I was embarrassed by my teeth and afraid to smile in front of people.  But now I am confident in my smile and get compliments on it all the time.  My self-confidence has sky-rocketed because of it.  I'm sure you know that one of the first things people notice about you is your smile, and you have given me a smile that I am beyond proud of.  I truly appreciate all that you've done to help me."

Tirzah R. 

 "In an era of often disappointing investments and unmet expectations, my experience with Dr. Karen McAndrew and staff is an exception. The long process of reconstructive implants was expertly performed, artfully executed, and thoughtfully managed. Further, I would highly recommended Dr. McAndrew because her services are so caringly provided. My beautiful smile is one of the best investments I’ve ever made. I’m extremely grateful and appreciative."

Pat B.

"I have been Dr. McAndrew's patient for 7 years.  I had complete reconstruction implants of my whole mouth due to an accident.  You could not find a better doctor to take care of you and care about you.   Her whole team is awesome!  They are all genuinely caring and great at their jobs.  When I first got started with this procedure Dr. Karen told me we would be together for life, and she meant it! 


The few times I have had a problem, that was my fault LOL, I just call the office and they get me right in for Dr. Karen to fix it. 

I used to hate going to the dentist, now I look forward to going to see everyone!!!  You are all wonderful and you have changed by life and I can't thank you enough!!!  Luv you lots!!!"

Kim R.

"I am the biggest coward when going to the dentist, but Dr. McAndrew and her staff are awesome.  I never feel the shots and she is excellent.  She has done my veneers and, for the first time, I have a beautiful looking smile.  She and her staff are kind and courteous.  I would highly recommend them for your care."

Pat N.

"The day I walked into Dr. McAndrew's office changed my life.  I was met by a lovely lady, on crutches, who turned out to be Dr. McAndrew.  She had consulted with my surgeons along the way and was fully aware that, as a result of cancer, I had upper lip reconstruction and had all my natural teeth surgically removed before starting radiation treatment.  At my lowest point I met her, scared to death of what was next.  She and her entire staff took extraordinary time and care to explain what to expect.  Then came the unexpected.  As a result of the reconstruction I could not open my mouth enough for them to take impressions.  For weeks we did stretching exercise and finally were able to proceed.  During the process I got to see, not only the professional level of expertise, but also the compassionate card.  Never had I been treated with more respect for my fear of dentists. 

When I was finally fitted with dentures, I saw that I looked much as I did before cancer.  I cried tears of joy!

Thank you Dr. McAndrew for all you and your staff of angels did for me, and do for all of your patients.  It means more than words can express."

Sam J.

"At age of 75 most people have experienced good times and bad times, including many visits to dentists for various reasons.

My time last year visiting Dr. Karen McAndrew and her staff was a very good experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

The removable implant over dentures are great thanks to all Dr. McAndrew and her staff did for me from consultation to "I will see you in six months for a check up". 

Life is good with my best smile and eating pleasure in many years".

William S.

"I thought false teeth were the worst thing that could happen to a person, but your implants changed all that."

Lena Z.

"Thank you! These are the best and most natural Dentures I've ever had. The service here is excellent. The people here are excellent. People who have known me for more than 20 years say, "You wear dentures??"

A. Berkley P. 

"Dr. McAndrew and her staff provided me outstanding, professional care. All procedures were explained and everyone in the office was patient and caring. The results of their care gave me thorough satisfaction." 

Mr. K


"I felt so comfortable being under the dental care of Dr. Karen McAndrew.  She worked with me in a very professional way, but at the same time was warm and kind.  She is very precise and she takes time to reassure her patient during the process.  Before I started seeing Dr. McAndrew, I had a lot of pain due to previous dental treatment, and she carefully worked with me to alleviate the problem.  In addition, I have been told that I have a beautiful smile!  I very much appreciate her expertise and would highly recommend her."

Dianne L. 

"I have had the privilege and honor to work with Dr. Karen McAndrew for a decade now and she is with no doubt one of the best clinicians I have ever worked with. Her quality of work and care for her patient is of the highest standard. Her skill as a mentor has inspired many clinicians and technicians to reach the next level."

Lars H. CDT, FICOI  

"Karen is an excellent instructor, clinician, and superior prosthodontist. She directed the denture team for RAM/MOM projects for over 10 years. She has taught hundreds of dentists ways to improve their practices and clinical skills. Her attention to detail is just one of her exceptional qualities. She is an awesome person and dedicated to her profession, family, and friends."

Scott M. DDS  

"Dr. Karen McAndrew and I have collaborated on several full arch implant-supported cases for her patients. My laboratory has worked with her to complete some of these restorations. It is clear that her work is detailed and meticulous, as all information sent to the laboratory is complete. She is a terrific prosthodontist and I recommend her without reservation."

Stephen B.   

"LinkedIn asked me to choose 3 attributes to describe Dr. McAndrew. This was the hardest choice I've had to make in a while. It was near impossible to choose between Great Results, Personable, Expert, Good Value, On Time, High Integrity, and Creative because any and all of these can be used to describe Dr. McAndrew, her work, and her staff.

With Dr. McAndrew, I've found more than a doctor - I've found a friend, advocate, and a trusted service provider. As much as I wish I didn't have the need for Dr. McAndrew's services, I am glad to have met such a wonderful person and professional. Every morning when I wake up and see Dr. McAndrew's phenomenal work, I cannot help but smile!

I have previously recommended, and will continue to recommend, Dr. McAndrew to anyone who requires her services as I'm sure that they will receive the same superior level of service that I have received."

Bill M.  

"After more than two years of a truly miserable, ongoing dental experience (far too long a story to get into here), I finally left the dentist I was with and went to Karen.

She listened to what I'd been going through, looked at where I was, and told me that in three months, she could solve what the dentist had failed to for over twenty four months. And that's exactly what happened.

I would recommend Karen very highly, particularly when it comes to crowns. Smart, talented, and a nice person."

Brian F.  

"The Tooth Fairy:

As a child, my mouth was too small to fit the requisite 32 teeth into it.  At age 13, my dentist extracted the four teeth behind my "eye" teeth, and used a medieval system of metal braces and rubber bands to move the remaining teeth into place.  I also had quite a number of cavities and fillings of the amalgam type, making many of my teeth weak and unstable.

About 20 years later, the result was that most of my teeth cracked, partly due to the earlier procedures, but probably more due to my life stress and constant grinding at night.  After a series of crowns and bridges, and another 20 years of further decay, many of these teeth simply rotted out of my gum, leaving none behind them to hold replacements.

I finally arrived in Dr. McAndrew's magic chair in late 2008,..."   Click Carolyn's link below to read more...

Carolyn's Testimonial [DOC]

Carolyn T.  

"Dr. McAndrew,


Thank you so very much for the kindness and patience you have shown me in my many visits to your office. In these few months, you have helped ease my immobilizing fear of dental procedures. And, most of all you have given me the smile I always wanted and never had.  Words cannot express how grateful I am to you for helping me gain self-esteem.  Now, I can laugh with my friends and not have to hide my smile behind my hand. 


Not only are you an expert and wonderfully skilled at your craft, your professionalism, compassion, and understanding sets you above your peers. I truly appreciate everything you, and your staff, have done for me."


June H. 

"To say it simply, Dr. Karen McAndrew is a professional and I never have to worry about my teeth, I know that Dr. McAndrew can fix them. I now get compliments on how great looking my teeth are!"

Bud L.   

"Believe it or not, all dentists are not born with perfect teeth. I was born missing two permanent teeth and my father, an awesome dentist, spent his best efforts and the latest available technology to restore them. Eventually he retired and his work reached its useful lifespan. Thus begun my search for a new dentist. I was attending a seminar on dental implants when I first crossed paths with Dr. McAndrew. She immediately impressed me with the depth of her knowledge and experience, so I scheduled a consultation.

Upon arrival, I was greeted by her professional and very pleasant staff.  Dr. McAndrew thoroughly explained the proposed treatment for me, I agreed with her plan and was promptly scheduled. The procedures she performed on me were so painless, I actually fell asleep.  As I left my appointment that day felt at home and I knew that Dr. McAndrew and her team were truly concerned about me.  I feel very fortunate to have crossed paths with Dr. McAndrew and her staff.  Of all the practices to choose from, I definitely ended up at the right spot. Thank you Dr. McAndrew and staff for all you have done for my smile!"

Respectfully Submitted,

Alan Mahanes, DDS  

"In the three plus years I have been an implant patient, Dr. McAndrew and her entire team has delivered, as expected, the very highest quality professional care. Just as importantly every member of her practice has regarded me as a valued person, not simply as a patient.  Dr. McAndrew doesn’t treat just dental needs.  She treats people."

Jack F. 

"Dear Karen,

I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am for the fantastic job you have done with my mouth. I feel so lucky to finally have found the right person for the job. I can't tell you how many dentists I had to go through to find you. Most of them outright told me that they weren't qualified to handle my case. A few others (only two actually) thought they could help me, but for some reason, I just didn't have a good feeling about them.

I am glad that I followed my instincts because I believe that I got the best outcome possible with you. I couldn't be happier with the results. A few weeks ago I went to my sons cotillion, one of the other moms told me I have "movie star teeth".  Then another dad said my teeth looked "phenomenal".  Those are things that I never even dreamed I would hear!

I wanted to make sure I told you personally how much it means to me to have found such a skilled person to come up with a plan and carry it out so perfectly. I know that was not a easy job. Thanks for the excellent service you have provided me with .  I really appreciate everything you have done for me."

Susanne S. 

"Dr. McAndrew is a superb clinician whose skills are complimented by a friendly and personable staff. All the people at the practice are wonderful to deal with."

Todd Z.





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